is a passion ...
what's your

marketable skill?

An entrepreneur is one who organizes and owns a business while assuming all risks and accountability for its outcome. This status is usually referred to as self-employment and viewed by many people as their ultimate career or main employment goal. Business ownership is the focus of this forum which is designed to encourage those who may be interested in seeking new employment options and opportunities that they may not have considered before.

As businesses continue to cut back or close entirely, job losses send folk into a frantic state of mind because their bills must still be paid, and homes, cars and other valuable assets may be lost. Knowing that everyone is only one illness or paycheck away from living in poverty does not help much … misery really doesn’t love company. But pushing panic buttons will not make the situation any easier, and, in fact, will inhibit one’s ability to make rational decisions about what has to be done to overcome the problem. Finding work is often a difficult task, even when jobs are plentiful. And when the nation is in a recession as the United States has been for some time, that task can be overwhelming if the odds seem to be working against those who need jobs the most.

Sometimes life forces us to move in the direction that we should have been following all along. Mears Management’s perspective on this subject is to create what doesn’t exist. In other words, rather than limit yourself to finding a job with an established company, why not now consider opening your own small business using the skills, passions and money you have access to? Choosing the right business and right marketing strategies can make the difference. Contrary to what many think, this is a great time to develop small business ventures.


Page Last Updated September 26, 2012

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